Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Week Seventeen - Personal and Professional

My Primary 6 class!
It really doesn’t seem like four months ago that I was back in my bedroom in Northern Ireland, packing my bag for what was going to be an amazing trip to Hong Kong. My expectations were high for the trip and I was really excited for what lay ahead, but I can honestly say that living in Hong Kong has surpassed all the hopes and expectations I had. It is a fantastic place with friendly people and it holds on to its Eastern traditions, while embracing much of what is good about the West. 
Meeting with the principal and student teacher co-ordinator

Before coming to Hong Kong I knew only a little about Chinese traditions and the culture, however I have been well and truly immersed in the culture here and I have learnt so much about the Chinese people.  The multi-cultural society of Hong Kong is something which is fascinating and I have also become familiar with the vast number of religions which exist here. The most interesting thing for me to see has been how despite these many religions and cultures, the people here live harmoniously and without fear of prejudice. People are encouraged to share their beliefs and ideologies and I feel that our own country of Northern Ireland can learn so much from the people and society here.  
My Primary 2 class!
The people have been so kind and welcoming to us during our time here. I have made so many good friends both local and international and I look forward to seeing them in the future if I return to Hong Kong. The friendliness and welcoming attitude of the Hong Kong people was really shown to me during the home visits with the school, through activities in our halls organised by our fellow students and also through my teacher on teaching placement, who always gave of her time to help me prepare for teaching.
From a professional point of view I feel that my time in Hong Kong has added to me understanding of the strategies and methods which are necessary to promote quality learning in the classroom. I have been given a clearer insight into where the Northern Ireland Curriculum excels, and where it can be developed and altered for the benefit of the children. Through teaching in the Jockey Club primary School I feel that I have learnt so much about the education system here in Hong Kong and I can now compare the education system here and in Northern Ireland. One of the most obvious things I have noticed through my teaching placement was how greater emphasis is placed on rote learning in Hong Kong; where the teacher tells the children information and the children learn through retaining and recalling this information. In Northern Ireland much more focus is placed on ‘learning through doing’, where the children are encouraged to interact with one another and learn by their experiences and also through their peers. I attempted to promote group work and ideas such as ‘think-pair-share’ during my time teaching in the classroom here, as I feel that this is a teaching strategy which is extremely beneficial in a child’s academic and social development.  
Ms Kwok embracing some or Ireland!

I thought that since I have talked about the things I have learnt about Hong Kong and China during my time here, and also what I have learnt about the education system here, I should probably finish by thinking about what I have learnt about myself through this amazing experience. I have never been away from my home for this length of time, and I often wondered how I would cope with being away from what I perceive as “normality” for so long. Coming to Hong Kong has shown me that while I may still enjoy home comforts, I have a greater appreciation of what it means to live and work in a different country. For many years I thought that I would only look for a job in Northern Ireland when I graduate from Stranmillis, however I now see how naive a view like that can be. As graduation looms on the horizon, it is both comforting and exciting to know that there are many prospects and opportunities for teachers outside of the United Kingdom. I feel that coming to Hong Kong has given me a global view of teaching, and I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to develop my teaching profession in this magnificent country.
A farewell dinner with friends in halls!

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