According to Protheroe (2004) reluctant and challenging learners ‘avoid challenges, don’t complete tasks, and are satisfied to “just get by.” They are reluctant to learn and often have the potential to excel but don’t seem to care about achieving in school.’ For all teachers children such as this can be the most frustrating and demanding to teach. From my own personal experience on teaching practice I have always found myself becoming discouraged as children who have the potential to achieve great things in their learning, lack the motivation and will power to work in class. I have tried to employ many different strategies to try to encourage the child and keep them focussed on tasks; however it is very often a difficult job.
In one of my classes, Engaging reluctant and challenging learners, we have been studying some of the possible reasons why children distance themselves from their work and ‘plod along in class, finish work quickly and become easily distracted.’ (Michael P. F., 2002) Much of our learning has been focussed on the significance of a child’s self efficacy on their desire to participate in class. Children with a low self efficacy have a lack of motivation to learn as they feel they cannot do the work and often try to avoid failure. Whereas children with a high self efficacy look to develop their knowledge and broaden their understanding as they feel good about their learning and feel they have the ability to achieve. The class has shown me that there are many strategies the teacher can adopt which constitute good classroom practice and help raise reluctant learners’ self efficacy. Goal setting is an important motivational process and students with a clear goal will experience a sense of self efficacy for attaining it. They will essentially see the purpose of their learning and as they observe the goal being attained their self efficacy and desire to learn will grow. For me as a teacher I must look to provide children who are reluctant in their learning with attainable and challenging short term goals. I must always seek to provide the child with feedback on how they are progressing in reaching their goals as this will also enhance their self efficacy and their ability to reach their potential.
The class has also taught me to consider ways of developing children’s intrinsic motivation. Pintrich and Schunk (2002) suggest that for children to become more motivated they must have ‘challenge, curiosity, control and fantasy in their learning.’ One of the points which struck me was providing children with a sense of control over their learning outcomes and choices in their learning. This is becoming a major part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum, and it cannot be overlooked how important this is in motivating children to learn. Teachers must allow children to “have a voice in the classroom”, directing their own learning and inevitably becoming more involved in their education.
In this module, I look forward to hearing more learning theories directed to motivating unenthusiastic children in the classroom as it is an issue which can have a detrimental effect on the learning of all children in the classroom.